Guest scripting is possible with the vsphere SDK for Perl. Java source code samples based on JAX WS are available in the vsphere Web Services SDK. The vsphere API guest operations in release 5.0 can be used with any language that handles VMware WSDL. You can program the VIX API in C/C++, Perl, or COM (Visual Basic or C#). GuestProcessManager list processes, read environment variable, start (run) program, terminate process. GuestFileManager change file attributes, create temporary directory or file, delete directory or file, initiate file transfer from guest or file transfer to guest, list files, make directory, move directory or file. The vsphere API did not offer any equivalent functionality until the 5.0 release, which adds the following guest operations: GuestAuthManager acquire credentials, release credentials, validate credentials. New in vsphere 5 VIX has always been particularly strong in the APIs it provides for guest operations. 1 Technical Note Transporting VIX Guest Operations to the vsphere API vsphere 5 This document describes how to perform guest operations, that is, interaction with the guest operating system running in a virtual machine, using the vsphere API instead of the VIX API.